Small cities and towns are usually at a disadvantage when it comes to adopting leading technologies to meet their needs. As such, we have decided to create a special product for small towns and cities that are looking to engage their residents and visitors through a mobile application. With larger municipalities across Canada and the United States having their mobile applications powered by Info Grove, we launched Info Grove Municipalities for smaller communities to experience an engaging mobile app and the powerful tools offered by Info Grove.
What is Info Grove Municipalities?
Info Grove Municipalities is a subscription-based multi-tenanted app based on our Info Grove platform. The subscription is exclusive to small municipalities to help them engage with their communities through a mobile application. Since it is based on the Info Grove platform, the subscription offers similar features and functionality but at an affordable cost to small municipalities. Small cities and towns can still leverage the power and flexibility of Info Grove modules and manage their content through their own CMS. The Info Grove Municipalities app went live in July 2021 and currently hosts the City of Cavalier, North Dakota.

How does it work?
The Info Grove Municipalities allows small municipalities to sign up to the service and have their own content published in the app under their own home page. Residents can download the app and select the city or town they are interested in to receive the content shared by the respective municipality. Similar to the steps mentioned in this blog, we go through the entire process with reduced effort and cost in design, development and launch steps. Since the app is already published and branded, our team focuses on content and a timeline to launch in 6 weeks or less.
How to get on board?
If you are a small city or town with a population of less than 5,000 people, you can get in touch with us here. Let us know that you are interested in Info Grove Municipalities and our sales team will help you get a step closer to having a mobile presence within your communities.
You can download Info Grove Municipalities using the links below.
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