Imagine a visitor arriving in your town: could they easily discover the hidden gems, local events, and essential services your municipality has to offer? Would you have a way to communicate real-time updates, non-emergency assistance, and other important information to them if needed?

These are questions more and more of the municipalities and towns we work with, especially those with busy tourist seasons, are asking themselves when they decide to invest in a mobile app.

In addition to keeping residents informed and engaged, a dedicated mobile app can be the perfect tool to ensure tourists and visitors have all the information they need right at their fingertips. It offers a simple way to encourage tourists to explore everything your town has to offer while keeping them informed and safe.

Enhancing Tourist Safety in Popular Destinations

Municipalities in many popular tourist destinations have embraced mobile apps as essential tools for supporting seasonal influxes of tourists. 

In unfamiliar places, knowing where to get help or how to stay safe is crucial. While North American travellers might instinctively call 911 in an emergency, local apps can provide more specific information like the nearest hospital or emergency services. A mobile app can also provide valuable details about the general safety of an area and help guide visitors to the parts of your town or city where they’re most likely to have the best experience.

Of course, tourists also seek general information—such as restaurant recommendations and cultural tips—that can enhance their experience. And, just like the residents of your town, many visitors are keen to learn about local events and activities they could also enjoy. The best municipal apps strike a balance, offering essential safety information, useful travel tips and up-to-date details on events and happenings.

Promotion and Awareness

Promotion is still one of the most challenging aspects of launching and maintaining a successful mobile app. We can help a client build the most incredible mobile app, but if nobody knows of its existence, the app doesn’t spread.

More and more often, I notice towns and cities encouraging visitors to download the local app via advertisements in airports, hotels, and tourism websites. While some tech-savvy travellers might seek out these tools, broader awareness campaigns help generate awareness amongst tourists.

We help our clients with tips and best practices, allowing them to develop marketing strategies that can include working with local businesses – hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, etc. – that highlight the app’s real-time updates and easy access to all the information a visitor would need to enhance their trip.

If you would like to learn more about our app development services for towns and municipalities or have specific requirements for your town or municipality, please feel free to reach out to us. We love helping communities use mobile apps to engage with their residents and visitors and look forward to learning about your municipality or town.

Karim Mansour is an Inside Sales Representative at 14 Oranges, the creators of the Info Grove platform.

Enhancing Tourist Experiences: The Role of Mobile Apps in Municipal Safety and Information