North America is home to numerous charming and vibrant summer tourist towns that attract travellers from around the world. These towns offer a delightful mix of natural beauty, cultural attractions, and a laid-back atmosphere that makes them ideal vacation destinations. From the coastal gems of the East and West coasts to the picturesque mountain retreats, these towns boast a plethora of activities and experiences for visitors of all ages.

Many of these towns see their population jump with summer residents, overnight visitors and day-trippers. Muskoka, the popular cottage destination north of Toronto, Ontario, doubles its population during the summer months. Martha’s Vineyard tourism causes the population of the island to explode by an astounding 750%.

While your town might not see quite the same population explosion as Martha’s Vineyard, you may still be considering how you can elevate the visitor experience for your summer tourist town.

One excellent solution could be a mobile app.

You may have already considered investing in a mobile app for the year-round residents of your town or may already have an existing app. Mobile apps are a fantastic way to engage and share timely and relevant information with residents.

With a little bit of creativity and consideration, your mobile app can also help you elevate the tourist experience, empowering you to create a seamless and unforgettable adventure for your visitors and exponentially increasing the potential return on investment of a municipal mobile app.

Elevate Your Town’s Tourism Experience With a Mobile App

Here are a few ways a mobile app can visitors to your summer tourist town make the most of their holiday:

  • Seamless Trip Planning and Navigation
    As the temperatures rise and tourists flock to your town, a user-friendly mobile app can be the ultimate companion in trip planning and navigation. Intuitive interfaces provide easy access to information about local events, must-visit attractions, and recommendations for dining and accommodation. Interactive maps with real-time updates can help visitors map out their visits efficiently, ensuring they make the most of their precious vacation time. By streamlining the planning process, your app can help tourists create personalized itineraries, leaving them excited and prepared to explore all your town has to offer.
  • Showcasing Local Gems and Hidden Treasures
    Behind every summer tourist town lies a treasure trove of local gems and hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Your mobile app can be a platform to showcase the unique charm and character of your community. Feature immersive guided tours that lead tourists to off-the-beaten-path locations, share fascinating historical tidbits and introduce them to local artisans and their crafts. By immersing tourists in authentic experiences, your app fosters a deep connection with your town, fostering memories that will draw people back in the future and encourage them to share their experiences with others.
  • Fostering a Sense of Community
    At the heart of every successful summer tourist town is a sense of community that extends warmth and hospitality to visitors. Use your mobile app to celebrate local events, festivals, and cultural festivities, inviting tourists to partake in the town’s spirit. You could engage tourists with interactive features, such as voting for their favourite ice cream parlour or participating in a photo contest, for example. By engaging with the local community, tourists feel like valued guests, encouraging them to return and share their experiences with friends and family.
  • Supporting Local Businesses
    Tourism success relies on a symbiotic relationship between tourists and local businesses. Your app can be a powerful marketing tool for restaurants, hotels, tour operators, and retail stores. Feature special deals, discounts, and loyalty programs to entice tourists to explore and support local businesses. By driving foot traffic and increasing sales, your app becomes an essential catalyst for the growth of your local economy.
  • Building Loyalty and Encouraging Return Visits
    The summer season may be fleeting, but the impact of a memorable vacation can be everlasting. A mobile app that facilitates an exceptional experience is a catalyst for repeat visits and word-of-mouth recommendations. Implement loyalty programs, collect visitor feedback, and personalize recommendations for future visits based on past preferences. By building strong relationships with your tourists, your app turns them into devoted advocates, eager to return year after year.

The more you can serve your tourists, the more likely they will be to return and spend money in your town next summer and the summers after. A mobile app can be an excellent way to ensure a positive and seamless experience for tourists, helping them feel welcomed and catered to and giving them easy access to information and services.

Contrary to what you may think, a mobile app tailored to meet your town’s needs – both for residents and visitors – doesn’t have to come at a huge cost. It’s worth getting in touch to see what’s possible before ruling anything out.

If you’re curious to learn more about how a mobile app could benefit your town or municipality, contact Info Grove today. Our team would love to learn more about your summer destination and see how a mobile app could help you elevate both your tourist and resident experience.

Karim Mansour is an Inside Sales Representative at 14 Oranges, the creators of the Info Grove platform.

Creating a Seamless Summer Holiday Experience: How a Mobile App Can Benefit Your Tourist Town