In the heart of Michigan, nestled within the larger Saginaw Midland area, lies Midland—a vibrant community of around 43,000 residents. Recently, Info Grove had the opportunity to collaborate with Midland on an exciting project: the creation of a Parks and Rec mobile app. 

Midland’s journey with us began with a Request for Proposal (RFP) initiated by the Parks and Rec department. They were looking for a mobile app platform to enhance communication with residents about activities and events. The RFP process was smooth, with our team showcasing the Info Grove platform’s capabilities that aligned well with Midland’s requirements.

The RFP process was efficient and we kicked things off seamlessly. The launch timeline was pressured as we worked through the content and design decisions, but with patience and collaboration, the project progressed steadily. It’s always at just this point in the development process I’m grateful for our streamlined development process, which helps keep things on track and moving along with as little stress as possible.

Focused Purpose – Parks and Rec App:

I was excited when I heard from Midland because they came to us with a bit of a focused ask – rather than wanting a mobile app for the entire municipality, they wanted an app that focused exclusively on what the town has to offer in terms of Parks and Rec. This is something we had done before and knew we could deliver what Midland’s Parks and Rec department needed.

This focus on one specific area app highlighted the flexibility and scalability of our Info Grove platform. It demonstrated how municipalities could benefit from a departmental app, tailored to meet the unique needs of a specific area, in this case, the Parks and Rec department.

Engagement Package:

Midland opted for our engagement package, encompassing all modules to foster community interaction. This choice reflected not only a budget-friendly decision but also a realization that the platform offered more than initially requested, adding value to their community engagement efforts.

Addressing Communication Gaps:

One of the significant challenges Midland faced was the communication gap with residents. Traditional methods, like relying solely on a website, proved to be less effective. The Parks and Rec app emerged as a solution, enabling Midland to push real-time information directly to residents, helping improve engagement and participation in community activities.

Simplifying Navigation:

The app streamlined the process of navigating through lots of information for Midland residents, providing easy access to details about events, activities, and even external platforms without the need for intricate website navigation.

Future Potential:

What I love about this project is that while Midland’s app is focused on Parks and Rec, any potential customer could have a purpose-focused start with the potential for expansion. Because we built the app on our platform, it will be easy to incorporate additional functionalities or details for other municipal departments in the future if needed. 

Midland’s Parks and Rec app journey showcases the power of targeted, departmental mobile applications in fostering community engagement. I’m excited about the official launch – I expect to see a positive impact on Midland’s residents as they enjoy simplified access to information and activities. 

This spotlight not only celebrates a successful collaboration but also highlights the potential for similar endeavours to enhance communication and engagement in municipalities..

If your municipality or department could use a mobile app to help simplify resident communications and boost engagement, book a call with the Info Grove team today. We’d love to explore how we could help you achieve your goals with a mobile app.

Karim Mansour is an Inside Sales Representative at 14 Oranges, the creators of the Info Grove platform.

Customer Spotlight: Revolutionizing Community Connection: Midland’s Parks and Rec App Success