Getting feedback from your community can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to ask the right level of questions at the right time but also you need to tabulate the results in a meaningful form to ensure you act appropriately on them. Conducting surveys through email is impractical as we all use emails in different fashions and at different times. Some users are quick to respond and some never seem to respond. I used to be the secretary for a local non profit sports association and was in charge of capturing the results of resolutions throughout the year. Capturing them at our monthly meeting was easy; however, there were many times we had to come up to resolutions outside of those meetings and at the time we were using emails to capture them. All was well when there was no debate on the resolutions but often times that wasn’t the case with arguments leading to many threads and amendments to the original proposal making it very time consuming. It was with those problems in mind that the Voting and Survey module for Info Grove was created.

The Info Grove Voting and Survey Module is our latest module to help you improve membership engagement. Simplify your entire voting process by using a fully secure app. Save money by reducing the amount of old form paper mailout you have to print and mail and manually count. Save your member time in the process.

You can use the module for the following types of votes:
- Executive voting – 1 vote – 1 candidate. The simplest form of voting.
- Group voting – Vote for more than 1 candidates for a position. Example board members or city councils.
- Resolution voting – Get approval on your resolutions (either to your full membership base or for board members or executives only).
- Write-in voting – Allow members to write-in the name of a candidate on the spot.
- Referendum, Plebiscite voting – Get feedback with binding results or not.
- Feedback surveys on your events and speakers.
By leveraging an app to complete elections and surveys, associations can close the feedback loop with their membership and improve their services in real time.
Contact us if you are interested in making use of the Voting and Survey Module for your organization. You can also try it for free. No strings attached.
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